A rare plant known for the impressive texture of its leaves, both leathery and velvety, just like one would describe dragon scales...
This Silver Dragon is a hybrid with silvery reflections from the more accessible and common Alocasia Dragon Scale.
Origin : South-East Asian rainforests.
Personality : Quite flexible
Earmark : Its silvery heart-shapen leaves, reminding how dragon scales are described in fairytales
Say something smart : it became famous in Europe where it was decorating palaces and orangeries. This is notably when the expression "à la Alocasia" was used by the gentry, meaning "secret conversations", probably because its leaves were looking like the masks used in the court.
Which container?
A planter usually looks nice, but we recommend not to plant your new baby directly in one.
Leave it in its current pot until Spring, then ideally transfer it into a terracota pot with little drain holes when it looks cramped.
Finding its place
Brightness : Good level of brightness, but no direct sun. It is even able to survive some time in a low brightness environment.
Avoid letting it feel draughts near the windows and take it away from heating sources.
Humidity : 60 % or more.
Tip : Spray its leaves with water (ideally rain-water) once a week.
Tip 2 : Place some wet clay pebbles under the pot, so they keep diffusing humidity.
Temperature : Min : 15°C | Max : 30°C |Idéal : 18-22°C
Day-to-day care
Watering (purely indicative, depends on your local environment): one a week in Spring/Summer, and once every 10 days in Autumn and Winter.
Tip : Put your knuckle in the ground. If it feels totally dry, add some water to keep the soil wet (but not soaking it).
Fertilizer : Once every other week, from June to October