It is rare, has exceptionnaly luminous colours, its is completely original... why say more ?! It's a superstar, and we're happy to be able to provide it.
Just as in nature, all plants are different... so these pictures only illustrate one of our plants!
Origin: Philodendron Golden Crocodile is a hybrid, born from a mix between Philodendrons coming from South America.
Personality: Killing it would be a true performance!
Earmark: Its exceptional orange & yellow colors, on thick blade-shaped leaves.
Say Something Smart: Philodendron Ring of Fire is thought to be a hybrid between Philodendron Wendlandii and Tortum. Originally named after Keith Henderson, Philodendron "Henderson's Pride", as it was believed he was the breeder of it. Following controversial discussions as to who really created this species, this name was later dropped for Ring of Fire... so we'll never know!
Which pot?
A planter is beautiful, but never put your plant directly in it. Leave it in its original pot until Spring, and only repot it if it seems cramped. The ideal container: the terracotta pot with draining holes.
Finding its place
Brightness: Good level of brightness, as close as possible from a window but no direct sun.
Avoid letting it feel draughts near the windows and take it away from heating sources.
Humidity: 60 % or more.
Tip : Spray its leaves with water (ideally rain-water) once a week.
Tip 2 : Place some wet clay pebbles under the pot, so they keep diffusing humidity.
Temperature: Min : 18°C | Max : 29°C | Ideal : 20-22°C
Careful: high dosage ingestion of the plant can lead to risks for your pets.
Make sure to keep it away from them and don't serve it for their dinner ;-)
Day-to-day care
Watering (purely indicative, depends on your local environment): once a week in Spring/Summer, and once every 10 days in Autumn and Winter.
Tip : Put your knuckle in the ground. If it feels totally dry, add some water to keep the soil wet (but not soaking it).
Fertilizer: Every other week, from April to October.