Our plant stars
Choosing your price?! Because we can offer most of our plants at different stages of their lives, you'll be able to grow your indoor jungle collection by investing the price and the energy that fit you best. Sometimes it just takes a little patience to get to see a precious addition to your collection grow! Discover the sizes
YOUR RARE & ORIGINAL HOUSEPLANTS SPECIALISTS At the start of our brand, there is a 12 years friendship between Mathilde & Thomas, a common passion and endless discussions about all-looking-the-same interiors.So these discussions became a project and gave birth to Energumène (French for 'Oddball'), in eastern France, where out-of-the-ordinary plants grow quietly in an old carpentry, fully repurposed with one ambition in mind: give you access to the most amazing and sought-after varieties existing out there. We curate each of them carefully, we even grow some of them ourselves, and we'll be waiting for you every Tuesdays for our weekly drop of oddballs ! More about us and the carpentry